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Provided to participants:
To be delivered by participants:
The ground truth for each image is provided in the PAGE (Page Analysis and Ground truth Elements) format. For a description of the relevant parts (for this competition) of the XML file structure please see the section "Page analysis and recognition results" below.
PAGE has been developed on a long working experience in creating, managing and using datasets, including the PRImA Layout Analysis Dataset and the large and significant historical document dataset of the EU-funded IMPACT project.
More details on the PAGE format can be found in the following paper:
S. Pletschacher, A. Antonacopoulos, "The PAGE (Page Analysis and Ground-Truth Elements) Format Framework", Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), Istanbul, Turkey, August 23-26, 2010, IEEE-CS Press, pp. 257-260. [further details]
The GitHub page and the XML schema can be found here:
The format provides for the representation of several different region types, which may be subject to different processing in recognition systems. The most important types of region for challenge 1 are table, nested table cells, and text paragraphs. For challenge 2, the most important types of region are text, image, footnotes, and marginal handwritten text. For both challenges, the highest-level textual regions correspond to paragraphs (a conscious choice as a paragraph is also a complete logical entity, as opposed to columns of text for instance).
For each region there is a description of its outline in the form of a closely fitting polygon. Such a representation enables a very accurate and efficient geometric description, especially for complex-shaped regions. Text regions may also contain Unicode text content.
A simple example XML is described in this document
Authors of methods should submit the following by e-mail to the organisers:
The results must be stored in the PAGE format (same format as the ground-truth provided). Evaluation will be based on detected regions (location, type and subtype) and detected text. Further metadata can be provided (such as column level element descriptions for the tables in challenge 1) but is not mandatory.
Open source tools for exporting in the PAGE format are available from the PRImA Tools website.
Alternatively you can produce PAGE files using your own XML library, following the PAGE Schema.
Aletheia, a PAGE viewer and editor is also available for download so you can preview your results and check for validity of your produced XML files.
Filenames of submitted PAGE files should match the name of the original image.
All of the Quarterly Lists will contain tables of text (see screenshot). Tables should be recognised in the XML. Cells of text should be recognised as nested regions within the table and described as child XML objects in the surrounding parent table region. Pages containing text cells arranged in a table format but without table grid lines should also be classed as tables.
The following are examples of representative images from the variety of situations existing within the evaluation dataset.
The evaluation set is now available (email on 15/04/2019, please contact us if you have not received it).