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Presenting Legislation as Hypertext

A. Antonacopoulos, T.J.M. Bench-Capon, P.E.S. Dunne

Proceedings of the Fifth National/First European Conference on Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence: EUCLID, Exeter, April 1996, pp. 1-9, ISBN 095278730X


To make effective use of hypertext for accessing legislation, there needs to be a method which readily converts legislation to a form in which it can be presented as hypertext. It is important that this conversion respects the structure as well as the content of the original text. In this paper we describe such a means of conversion which starts from an image of the original text, and produces a document graph which fully captures the required structure. The presentation of the legislation through a WWW browser will require more than a simple display of the text, since the layout conventions for a physical document are not well suited to an electronic document. having the structure available means that there are far richer possibilities for retrieval and presentation using conventions adapted for electronic presentation, which we also discuss.


A. Antonacopoulos, T.J.M. Bench-Capon, P.E.S. Dunne , "Presenting Legislation as Hypertext", Proceedings of the Fifth National/First European Conference on Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence: EUCLID, Exeter, April 1996, pp. 1-9, ISBN 095278730X

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